We believe in the power of generosity. Your support through your giving empowers us to continue our mission of spreading love, hope, and compassion to our community and beyond.
Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference. We believe that Jesus calls us to radical generosity, so we give out of the gladness of our hearts.
Compelled by who we know and what we know, we have embraced five “Missions Here & There” projects for the 2024 year.
We want to take River of Life services online . We are believing for $25,000 to begin a livestream of our services.
$75,000 for Light for the Lost/FireBibles.
Continued support of over 80 Assemblies of God World and US missionaries and missionary partners.
Our Mother’s Home quarterly support. Their mission is to empower young mothers in the foster care and human trafficking systems to break the generational cycle for themselves and their children.
$12,000 for Chi Alpha at FGCU ministry budget support.
Giving Guide
Currently, you can give your tithes and offerings at River of Life through several methods...
By Mail
River of Life Assembly of God
21580 River Ranch Road
Estero, Florida 33928
During Services
Envelopes are available in the seat-back pockets
and can be placed in the offering boxes located at the rear of the sanctuary
Online- through the button below.